Digitize your

How to digitize
Expert Supplier is a next-generation modular platform designed to simplify digitization. It features native secure B2B data communication and is a solution for:
Automating document transfer
Used by over 3,500 companies, Expert Supplier is a complete B2B automation platform for secure digital communications between trading partners.
Complex validations and correspondence
In addition to transferring and translating messages, Expert Supplier adds value to the process by performing any type of validations according to the company's needs and also by comparing data from different documents.
Invoice settlement
Transferred invoices sometimes show differences in quantities or prices. With the settlement module, these can be automatically moderated according to any existing rules, and debit or credit notes can be generated and sent without any manual input.
Electronic archiving
For future reference or to comply with legal regulations, electronic archiving of documents is mandatory for a digital company. Saving time and space, Expert Archive can also be used by your partners, an external auditor or in an audit with precise and secure access rights.
Secure data distribution
Sharing data with multiple partners is a challenge that can be easily and securely solved by Expert Supplier, along with a complete audit of all data read based on access rights.
Basic data alignment
Automated workflows are only as good as the quality of the master data. With this in mind and with over 11 years of experience, Expert Supplier has the ability to integrate any type of data catalogues with any additional processing required.
Any type of data connection
Expert Supplier is a universal translator for digital business communications. Any type of computer generated data can be interpreted by the platform and translated into any data format for processing by other systems. It can also be used by companies without integration through its ergonomic web interface.
Data enrichment
Sometimes, for example, a company can send orders and price catalogues, but cannot send prices on order lines. With the data enrichment module, any message can be updated with the necessary information before being sent to the recipient.
Transferred messages contain information that may be relevant in reports developed based on business needs for operational, statistical or decision-making purposes. Expert Supplier's reporting engine gives our partners the overview they need of their business.
B2B collaboration
The Collaboration module replaces slow, non-standardised, inaccurate and hard to centralise emails. Based on a designed workflow, each party adds their contribution to achieve business collaboration goals in a secure and audited digital environment.
Cash flow is the heart of a business and sometimes payment deadlines can affect development plans or other due payments. For this reason, short-term factoring is the boost a growing company needs to accelerate its business.
RO e-Factura / RO e-Transport
All B2G invoices and some B2B invoices for certain product categories in Romania are required by the tax authorities to be sent electronically to the national register. The newest Expert Supplier module will help any company to send and receive invoices from the RO e-Factura system.
Mai multe funcții
Conectarea Expert Supplier la alte platforme Expert Software este un alt pas mare spre finalizarea digitalizării afacerilor.
MyOrder - Platforma de comenzi B2B
Într-un mediu de lucru solicitant, MyOrder este o platformă online de automatizare a vânzărilor, concepută pentru a transfera o parte din efort înapoi la clienți. Fără a afecta sarcinile agenților, MyOrder completează activitatea de vânzare a acestora, oferind clienților o platformă ergonomică, cu comenzi online, și un modul complex de calcul al prețurilor și bonusurilor în funcție de locație, valoarea pachetului, valoarea comenzii și multe altele. Complet personalizabilă pe orice strategie de vânzare, MyOrder este platforma care adaugă unui serviciu de distribuție avantajul vânzărilor online.
Manager de documente și facturare
Expert Doc este o soluție ergonomică concepută pentru a vă reda controlul asupra unui număr tot mai mare de contracte și documente. Cu fluxuri de lucru dinamice și un acces opțional de oriunde, este concepută pentru a oferi companiei dvs. o mai bună colaborare internă și externă, o vizibilitate îmbunătățită a datelor, conformitate juridică prin utilizarea celor mai recente modele aprobate, clauze actualizate, alerte de expirare, toate într-un mediu digital securizat și auditat.
De la achiziție la plată
Lanțurile de achiziții se digitalizează cu Expert Procurement, o soluție care oferă automatizarea proceselor, vizibilitate de la un capăt la altul, fluxuri de aprobare complexe, gestionarea relațiilor cu furnizorii, o experiență de utilizare frumoasă, complet personalizabilă în funcție de nevoile de afaceri, rapoarte și analize.
Automatizarea proceselor de afaceri
Automatizarea generală a proceselor comerciale este disponibilă folosind Expert Suite, un cadru proiectat pentru o experiență de utilizare, flexibilitate și scalabilitate excelente.